Friday, August 10, 2012


Today she turned one. I don't know where the time went. I'm not necessarily saying it flew by. Perhaps it went just the right pace. But at the same time it makes me sad. I think what makes me sad is that if she is one, then next year she will be two, and in 9 years she will be 10, and you get the point. I am trying to savor every moment and enjoy her sweetness and newness. Everyday seems new. A new sound, trick, or moment of loveliness. It never gets old.

It's a good thing it doesn't get old, because it is my FULL time job. She is basically my boss. I stay home with Miss Stella and though I have searched high and low the past 6 months for a job, it seems fate has decided that her and I are meant to be together full time for a bit longer. And I am okay with this. Because, again, it doesn't get old. It does get tiring, grueling and frustrating at times, but never old.  But its the good kind of tiring, grueling and frustrating. You know, the kind that makes you realize that you yourself are growing and learning and becoming a better, less selfish version of your old selfish self.  I like the person my boss is helping me become.

Today the Hubster took the day off and we started the morning with waking up Stella to open her birthday presents. A brand new Radio Flyer Wagon! She really liked it.

All three of us were outside this morning at 7:30am trying it out.

We then ate some yummy homemade blueberry pancakes. Miss Stella took a good morning nap while the Hubster and I did some yard work and party prepping for Stella's birthday party Sunday. When she woke, we went to the Indy Zoo. She loved it. Even cooler is that she got to see the new playground at the zoo that the Hubster's company designed and built. She loved it.

Today's weather was unseasonably cooler. I think the high got up to 74. But it was perfect. This afternoon we took Stella and the dogs on a walk through our neighbor, her in her new wagon, Lucy and Linus actually behaving on the leashes and I turned to the Hubster and told him it was my third most favorite day ever. (One, the day our daughter was born. Two, the day I married the hubster. Three, seeing it all come full circle (for now).) Today was a good day.

An update on our one year old since I seem to only post quarterly:
Stella took her first steps at 10 months and was a full time walker by 11 months. She is drinking whole milk and eats great. Haven't found a food she doesn't like. Still sleeps a solid 11 hours at night, with two naps during the day that last about 2 hours each.  Has 6 teeth with another 2-4 coming in (she won't show us). She says mama, dada, nana, ball, and doggie. She also gives kisses and hugs, with a pat on the back while she squeezes (can you say heart melting?).

Her party Sunday is themed The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We have had a lot of time to work on it and make crafts for it so I am hoping it is a hit but doesn't come off as over the top. We're going for just right. I promise to share pictures from the party. I worked too hard on it not to show it off !

Other exciting happenings:
This past week my nephew was born. Owen Hathaway Schackow weighed in at 10 lbs 2 oz and 22 inches long. My sister is a champ and delivered him in three pushes. And my brother-in-law provided great support throughout the process. My 6 year old niece and 3 year old nephew are awesome with Owen and love him so much already!

(Warning: Self bragging) I have really gotten into eating healthier and working out. Yoga, kickboxing and weightlifting are a part of my rotation. And I am proud to say that I have lost 70 lbs since giving birth to Stella. Forty-four of that was baby weight but the rest was a couple of  years of yo-yoing and just not having an urgency to be fit. One look at my family now makes me want to be my healthiest self. It feels good to be more in control. I'm not to my goal weight or shape, but I am on my way and that is a vast improvement from where I was two years ago.

The house is for sale again. We need MORE space. Not sure where we will move if/when we sell, but liking the Olio and 104th area. Still Indianapolis area, actually Fishers, better school systems and a bit  further out of the city.

The Hubster's company is moving too. Not sure where either, but I am confident all will fall into place.

That's all for now.

Check back soon for Stella's First Birthday Party pictures

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