Monday, May 14, 2012

9 months and growing!

I am impressed with myself. I am only three days shy of keeping up with my every three month blog posts! And WOW! All the things that can happen in three months. I am sure I have mentioned how much I love Stella and how much I love being a mom. But these days its on another level. Pretty sure I do not have the ability to articulate how much this girl means to me and how much joy she has brought to the hubster's and I's life..... so instead I just will give you an update and post some pictures.

Stella is into EVERYTHING. She started crawling around 6 1/2 months and hasn't looked back. She currently enjoys pulling herself up on anything and hanging on to furniture and 'walking' from piece to piece as far as she can across the room. The doctor predicts she will be walking way before her 1st birthday in three months. If she would just take a second to slow down and learn how to stand I think she would figure out how to walk without assistance. But instead, I blink and she is all the way in the kitchen dumping the dogs water bowl on herself.

And speaking of the dogs! SHE LOVES HER DOGS. She is nonstop laughing at them all the time. She can not get enough. Sadly they really don't want anything to do with her (kind of don't blame them since she pulls their hair when she gets in reach), which makes it even more funny/sad when she is hysterically laughing at them and they are ignoring her!

Stella is finally thriving in her eating and growing. She is still low percentile for her weight. But with a head size in the 93 percentile we are already saving for Harvard. :) I think she is just going to be petite like her Nana. It also means cute clothes fit her longer, so I am okay with that! She has loved every food we have given her, and likes to be a big girl and feed herself when we let her. Except, I still can't get her to hold her own bottle. Miss Independent when she wants to be.

On Tuesday's and Wednesday's she goes to "school" at Joy's with two other little kids. This allows me to have some non baby time and help out at the hubster's office. It is the perfect break. I am looking for full time work as a school counselor and will hopefully find something by August. Right now, with it being nice outside, and her being more interactive, I am very happy with the schedule we keep as a family.

Speaking of schedule's. Stella is very predictable. She goes to bed majority of nights at 7:30. She sleeps through the night and wakes between 6 and 7. She then naps from 9:30-11:30 and then again from 2:30-4:00. She is a great napper and thrives in structured situations (hmm, wonder where she gets that from). 

She LOVES other kids. When the neighbor boys ride by on their bikes she keeps looking for them to come back by. She wants to talk to everyone when out at the store and loves people watching when we go out to eat. We have been lucky that we can basically take her anywhere.... for now, at least. I predict once she gets this walking thing down, family dinners out will be less frequent.

We started swim lessons a few weeks ago at the local Y. She liked the water. We knew she liked it at 5 months old in Florida. But I wanted to get some classes in before summer hit, and get us both more comfortable with being in the water together.

Up next is her FIRST Birthday party. I have been brainstorming and pinteresting for it for a few months now and have the theme narrowed down. Yes, I said theme. I am fully prepared for family and friends to walk away from Stella's birthday party saying, "Man, Jacque needs to get a job or something."! :)

Below is a funny dog clip where she just laughs at them non stop. And also some 9 month photos we just got done today.  

1 comment:

  1. Love the update! And the video and pictures, she is just so darn cute. Sounds like everything is going so well and I'm happy for you guys. This is such a fun age. Hope to see her again this summer. For now, good luck with the job search Jac!
