Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What's Up Doc?!

When I found out I was pregnant a dear friend at work told me that I will LOVE going to the doctor and will count the days in between my appointments. I have to say, so far she is right on. I am 10 weeks 4 days and have already been twice, both times for an ultrasound. The first at 5 weeks to see exactly how far I was along and then again at 7 weeks to "double check" and hear the heartbeat. Obviously my doc is pretty cool and ultrasound happy, which I have no complaints about thus far (and thats after already seeing the bill too!)
I love my doctor! She studied her undergrad at Tennessee when Payton Manning was there and she played varsity Volleyball. She went to Medical School at Northwestern. And once I was watching HGTV's "What you can get for a million dollars?" and there she was with her husband showing off her Meridian Kessler home in Indianapolis. I recently stalked her facebook page and she rides and shows horses and frequently travels through Europe. I am hoping some of her brains and class rubs off on my baby when she delivers him or her. Of course I am half joking, but still find my doctor very interesting and I trust her so much! She really listens to me and calms me when needed, which seems to be a lot these days.
So I am counting the days and looking forward to my appt next tuesday. I will almost be 12 weeks!

Friday, January 14, 2011

What can I say?

I have failed! I haven't written since November. I haven't updated my million blog followers about my Christmas Break, New Years, or Kyle and I's trip to Mexico. BUT I have an excuse! And it's a really good one.... We're Pregnant! We found out Saturday, December 4th! We've been to the doctor and seen the little bug and even heard its heartbeat! We told our families over Christmas and then told our friends when we returned from Mexico. We are so HAPPY! And even with a due date of August 15th (HOT TAMALE) I am trying to stay positive and with that I am very much looking forward to going thru the whole summer with wet hair and wearing long flowing cotten dresses and flipflops! We are 10 weeks today and I feel every bit pregnant. We do not plan to find out the sex of the baby, but I imagine that view could change.

So here is to a Happy New Year and the little bug growing inside me!!