Saturday, April 23, 2011

Toes, linebackers, and another baby?

As I sit here listening to the lite Saturday afternoon snore of my napping hubster and golf commentators on t.v. I admire my fresh pedicure of "Strawberry Margarita". If only I could have a real strawberry margarita.

The pedicure was needed. It was insisted by the hubster if I wanted him to give me foot rubs more regularly. So now the feet are soft and ready to go. We are 24 weeks! I can't believe I am 6 months pregnant. It boggles my mind. But then it all makes sense when I begin crying for no reason, get up two times in the night to pee, and eat a meal like a linebacker.
Speaking of linebackers.... did I mention we think we are having one? No, that does not mean we are having a boy. We still don't know the sex and won't know until D-Day. But this child is rather my eyes, the hubster's and apparently the camera's too!
We went to the Pacers playoff game Thursday night. My seat was next to another expectant first time mom. She is due 6 weeks before me. The hubster just laughed. I was so much bigger than her. But then he thoughtfully pointed out that though I may be larger than her, at least my husband didn't have little hands like her husbands. He's so romantic, isn't he?!

The pups are definitly sensing something different about mom. They love to cuddle with me and Linus fits very nicely with my bump as a ledge everyday after work when I pick him up to ask how his day was.
The hubster claims to have many pregnancy symptoms as well. I am convinced he is expecting too at times. Here we are out with our favorite couple to dinner and the hubster showing his growing baby bump along with me.
Feeling the baby move a lot more these days. Usually small tiny kicks. It likes it when I run the lawn mower. It also went nuts when I played The Black Keys for it at work this past week. When I put the earbuds to my stomach the baby immediately began doing flips... or dancing. And as the hubster said "Hopefully better dancing than its dad."