Friday, July 29, 2011

Oh... the places we will ....and can go now!

The Thompson household has been VERY productive this past month. (I will reveal the nursery next week.) But our most recent task we were able to check off the TO DO list was installing the car seat base. Of course I documented it all.
*Warning: The pics do include my half naked Hubster.
*Side note: But that is okay because he is a stud AND because the heat index was 105 degrees the day we installed it. (you are thinking we are crazy right now.... but really the day before was 110 heat index, and there seems to be no end in site to this heat.)

The Hubster rereading the directions once out in the car.
Familarizing himself with the LATCH system.
Using his knee to make sure the car base isn't going anywhere.

And me driving to work with my unborn child's car seat safely installed.
Kind of weird when I look into the backseat!

Went to the doctor this past Tuesday. I was 50% effaced with no dilation. That was at 37 weeks 4 days.
I was officially diagnosed with PUPPS. It is horrible. Now I know many women who have gotten PUPPS on their stomach... but I have it everywhere. Only 1% of pregnant woman get PUPPS this bad. I feel so lucky! It is extremely itchy and just spreads like crazy. I am on a steroid and benadryl to try and keep it under control until I give birth to Baby T. Apparently it just goes away after delivery. It's just one more thing that makes me more excited to meet Baby T.

Today is my last day at work. I can't believe I won't have to drive downtown every morning anymore (at least not for 12 weeks). You think I would be excited about this break from work, and I am, but am wondering what the next week or so will be like without Baby T here yet. I have plenty of projects and appointments lined up for next week, so I am sure I will stay busy.

The Hubster snapped some 38 week shots this morning. Here is one of them. Can I get any bigger?
The predictions are trickling in for when Baby T will arrive. The expected due date is August 12th.. Papa says August 5, Hubster says August 7, friend Colin says August 8, Nana says August 10 and friend Leah says August 15. I already told the August 15th guess that I hope they lose! My MIL predicted I would already have had Baby T.
I like the Hubsters prediction of 8/7/11. It gives me a full week off, a relaxing Saturday, and then Labor and Delivery.

Here's hoping we will be using the car seat sooner than later, but not too soon. Still have some TO DO's to check off the list. But once Baby T arrives... Oh... the places we will go!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Baby Project #159- Shelving unit that fits just right...

Have I mentioned that the Hubster can do ANYTHING! The man can cook, garden, rebuild an engine, and start and successfully run a company. He can also draw, paint, build things from scratch, and get many questions correct in any given episode of Jeopardy.

He is impressive.

There have been many projects taking place around the Thompson household in preparation for Baby T. I will share the outcomes of many of those in the next few weeks. But for now, I will share Baby Project #159- Building a shelving unit.

I was having a hard time finding a white piece of shelving/cubby/storage/side table/bench like furniture that would fit just so under the window in Baby T's room and still allow the air duct to let out air and still allow space for the swivel, rocking recliner. I shared my concern with the Hubster. I explained when I found something with the right amount of depth, then it was too tall. When I found the right height, then it stuck out too far. His simple answer? "Why don't I just make it?"

He sketched out what I was describing, we double checked the dimensions and off to Home Depot we went. I should clarify that I prefer Lowe's... but Hubster thinks Home Depot is closer. (It kind of helped that Cracker Barrel is in near proximity of Home Depot, since he had agreed to breakfast for dinner that night! I had forgotten how good their pancakes are!)

At Home Depot.....we carefully selected the right wood.

Random people in the store looked at me like I shouldn't even be walking. Sometimes I forget I am so big, until someone looks at me funny, or does one of those sympathy smiles.
And then when I look down I am reminded just how big I am these days.

The following day the Hubster came home from work with the almost finished project.
It took him 30 minutes to put it together. Again, he is impressive.

All it needed was some coats of white paint. I insisted that I should do that. So 3 days later... it was complete.

I love it! However, I love the Hubster even more.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My belly and the other woman.

I have decided that since I will only have this bump for a bit longer (that's hoping it shrinks once Baby T is out) that I should take as many pictures of it as possible before D-Day. So I am upping the glamorous photo shoots to every 2 weeks now. I can't believe the growth between week 32 and week 34!!
32 weeks

34 weeks

Besides the growing baby, there is another new important thing in the hubster's (and I's) life. Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting his new girlfriend. Do not judge... she IS older. Much in 60 years old. And she needs a lot of work, but I really think the hubster made a great choose. Her name is Fiona.

Fiona- 1951 Chevy

She is a 1951 Chevy Sport Coupe. I can't wait for us to take her out as a family once the hubster is done renovating it. It is unbelievable how great the condition is of the interior, body and paint after 60 years! I am very excited for his new project! And pretty sure (and proud) that whether Baby T is a boy or a girl, it will know a thing or 100 about cars, thanks to its smarty Dad.

While I'm here, I thought I would post a picture from our trip to Fort Wayne. We took my niece and nephew for donuts Saturday morning while we were there. Lorenn and Daniel really enjoy taking a trip to the donut shop and picking out their own donuts. I can't wait until Baby T is here and we can start Saturday/Sunday traditions for our little family!