Monday, February 14, 2011

Feeling fruity!

As I mention in my previous post, since becoming pregnant I have become obsessed with FRUIT. And although I have never mentioned it on this blog before, I should also let you know that I have been obsessed with my HUBSTER since the day I met him. So it is only fitting that he sent me this for Valentine's Day!

He must love me a lot, because he also included a very loving note with it. And if you know my hubster, he is a man a few words at most times. So every word meant so much in his little love note.
Baby T and I are very lucky!

Friday, February 11, 2011

14 weeks!

Today we are 14 weeks. I feel good. Notice I didn't say great. But I will take good. I think I would even take feeling bad, for the end result will be so worth it. I mistakenly thought that the day I turned 12 weeks a switch would flip and I would feel normal again. But I think normal is something maybe I'll never go back to, ever. And I am okay with that. The nausea is still lingering, but is much better than it used to be. It's just a lot harder to grab something to eat on the go. I have to plan. And pack snacks and really think about my next meal and what I will want. If I don't, I wind up with something gross that I can't eat and feel sick the rest of the day. I am OBSESSED with fruit. I eat two oranges and an apple or nectarine a day.. and that's just the staple. Then I sometimes add grapes or juice or more oranges. I guess it could be Cheetos so I'm not upset about it. I used to be a steak and potatoes girl, and now I would have to talk myself into that dinner choice. I prefer much lighter meals in the evening and usually rotate eggs, pancakes, or cereal for dinner throughout the work week. Poor Hubster! He actually claims he is gaining weight too. I try to explain its not because he is eating what I am eating. As I peel an orange he is downing 4 cookies. Not fair!
At my 12 week appointment I had only gained 1.6 lbs. I was thrilled. I am sure the nurse thought I was psycho and excited about not nourishing my baby. But really, I know that there are PLENTY of stored nourishment in my body for the baby and I shouldn't be gaining the normal amount a skinny little momma is allowed. Whatever happens is fine. I have a gut feeling....and a quickly growing gut area that tells me at my 16 week appointment I will see that the weight has increased a lot.
I have promised myself I will not post pictures of my belly progress on facebook for all my "friends" to see. But I suppose I could give it a shot on here. Just for journal purposes, of course. And for the simple fact that I am pretty certain no one reads this. And I am not mad. I can't be, since I rarely post on this!

It is becoming more difficult to sleep each day. I had read and heard that breast tenderness can be very difficult during pregnancy. No one every told me though that your breasts could wake you up in the middle of the night, because they hurt so bad. But not to worry, I am usually already up because my bladder already woke me. I am becoming more and more forgetful, and for those of you who know my hilarious ability of mixing up my words (like when I told my hubster our good friend was being deported, when actually he was being deployed for active duty, or at the grocery just last weekend when I asked for Havern Tam for the hubster's work week sandwich, when I really meant Tavern Ham) pregnancy is only making it worse. I have also become very paranoid and irrational. I think the hubster is cheating on me, my mom doesn't like me and my boss is trying to get me fired. (the last one I am convinced though). So for those of you who thought I have always been a bit dramatic.... OMG you have not seen nothing yet, friend!!!

A lot has happened since we found out December 4th that we were expecting... I finished and started another semester of graduate school. Had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends and got to share our wonderful news with them. The hubster and I visited Mexico, got a terrible case of food poisoning and had our first and hopefully last, awful vacation (it was bound to happen, we've been lucky too many times). We put the house up for sale and started a search for a new home for our growing family. My sister and her family built their dream home and are moving in as a type. The hubster launched a new and improved website for his company and expanded his business to Illinois. AND we are still set on NOT finding out the sex of the baby ( people are so annoyed when I tell them that, that it gives me that extra push to actually go through with not finding out, so keep the looks and comments coming people:)! )

Maybe I live a boring life, but that is a lot going on in 14 weeks. And I know the firsts and new adventures are only just beginning. Now if that doesn't make me so excited for this journey... I don't know what does!