Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm having a baby and this is its room.

So today I am going to have a baby.
Well, not technically today. I mean maybe, today. But we are checking in to the hospital tonight at 6pm. I am 39 weeks 4 days, and my rash of PUPPS has taken over not only my body but also my life. And add that I am 50% effaced but not dilated at all, the doc thinks its best that we start trying to move things along. I will be given cytotec (similar to cervadil) to help ripen my cervix and hopefully kick me into labor. If it does not trigger labor then tomorrow morning I will start pitocin to help begin contractions. Doc says we should plan to meet Baby T by tomorrow evening.
Good thing I have been planning on meeting Baby T for almost 10 months now.
I am ready, we are ready, everyone is ready.

I thought I should get some pictures up of the finished nursery before I find no time, or its to untidy to photograph. I am really proud of it. It has so many sentimental touches, is still somewhat contemporary, and definitely cozy. I cant wait to sit in that chair with Baby T.

Baby T's crib- bedding made by Nana. Cabbage Patch doll was mine when I was a kid. We have been practicing holding it with the dogs near by so they get used to a little one. Linus is very protective of the Cabbage Patch doll!

This chair is so comfortable. It rocks, swivels and reclines. The "artwork" is in progress. It will have all the letters of Baby T's name in it. For now it just has Thompson and a few letters that are both in our boy and girl name we have picked. Its a secret for now!
The tree that was made exactly to scale from the quilt, by the Hubster. Very cool.

The dresser and second mirror. Yes, I broke the first mirror and had to go purchase a second one.
I love the frame. It has a quote from our wedding song, by Dave Matthews. Notice, Linus is already guarding the room!

So that is the nursery. And today is the day. And I think I am going to go throw up now. I kid. Kind of. Pretty nervous, but I think you could fairly call it a good blend of anxiousness and excitement and the fact that my life will never be the same after Baby T arrives. Something I am completely okay with and the Hubster and I are so ready for!

I promise to update with news of the arrival as soon as I am able to! Can't wait for my million blog followers to meet Baby T!

1 comment:

  1. Wish I would have read this before the big day so I could have wished you luck! I didn't know you were getting induced, but I'm so glad it all worked out. Sounds very similar to my story :)

    LOVE the nursery, it looks amazing! And I'm very impressed by the artwork, what a great idea.

    Can't wait for the official Baby Stella post!
